Prices may vary depending on hair type and length and are subject to change without notice.  Prices are based on short hair.  Exact price can be provided on application.

 Evening Appointments Available

Cutting & Styling
Style Cut from $70
Style Cut & Blow Dry from $90
Wash & Blow Dry Only from $50
Post Colour Blow Dry from $40
Men & Children
Mens Cut from $30
Clipper Cut from $20
Boys Cut from $25
Girls Cut from $30
Regrowth Colour from $70
Full Colour from $90
Balayage from $180
Toners from $30
Minimum Foils from $60
Hairline & Part Foil from $100
1/2 Head Foils from $160
Full Head Foils from $220
Permanent Styling
Permanent Curls from POA
Permanent Straightening from POA
Basic from $10.0
Deluxe from $20.0